Farm Manager Grace Jacobs Farms Limited Farming & Agriculture Rest of Nigeria (Edo) |Full Time Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry | NGN 75,000 - 150,000 | Negotiable Job Description/Requirements Responsibilities: The successful candidate will have overall responsibilities for the technical, operational, and bottom-line performance of the farm. In this regard, experience in the preparation of farm budgets, auditing of operations, and leading a large team of attendants and supervisors will be essential. The position is farm resident and so only candidates whose family situation allows them to work from Benin City with monthly time off need apply. Grace Jacobs support Logistics for time off. Whilst we are willing to listen to the propositions of each and every interesting candidate, priority will be given to those candidates with short or immediate availabilities. It is possible to arrange one or 2 weeks of paid residency for suitable candidates who want to check the farm before accepting a permanent offer. Job Specifications: The candidate should have a minimum of 12 years of experience in the management of layers in battery cages; and Rearing of Pullets and broilers in deep litter. Hands-on experience in routine vaccinations, disease management, including post mortem exams, feed formulation is essential. Candidates are expected to have hands-on experience in brooding of day-old chicks using commonly available facilities. This Poultry Farm is located at the outskirts of Benin City, Edo State. The successful candidate will be expected to be farm residents with up to 5 days Off every month. The candidate is expected to have a minimum of B.Sc Degree In Animal science or equivalent, a Masters Degree will be an advantage 12 years continuous experience in poultry or farming Experience in leading large multicultural teams is required Salary: Experience and qualifications and would not be less than NGN100,000 per month

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